So i am in a bit of a pickle I am using WebRTC to control the PTZ functions of acamera using buttons for movement and zooming.
const constraints = {
video: {
pan: true,
tilt: true,
zoom: true
const stream = await navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia(constraints);
const [videoTrack] = stream.getVideoTracks();
const capabilities = videoTrack.getCapabilities();
After setting the current state where the camera should be I use
const constraints = { advanced: [{ [command]: adjustedValue }] };
await track.applyConstraints(constraints);
the problem is that this pauses my stream as the camera moves, in around 300-600ms the stream runs again in case of a longer movements its restored while the camera is still moving.
I kinda dont want to use OnVif or any HTTP based solution for this. Is there any way for PTZ controls in browser using the WebRTC but without pausing the stream