Redirect to Django View after AJAX GET request with form prefilled data

I have a ListView to render page with table of objects. The first column are checkboxes to perform some actions on multiple objects (not a formset). Each checkbox contains an object id as value and utilizing AJAX requests to perform such actions.
There is no issues with direct POST request as I send bunch of ids in array, validate them through the form and update().

However I’m experiencing some difficulties with GET request which suppose to be simplier:

I have a view to edit object (FBV). The goal is to redirect to that view with field contains all those ids checked on ListView. But I just came to know that I can’t call render() after AJAX call so I’m wondering what is the right way to handle such a redirect passing initial data to form presents in that view’s context.

Simplified code:

class ProducutsListView(ListView):
    model = models.Product
    template_name = "production/products_list.html"
    paginate_by = 50

The view to redirect to:

def product_update_view(request):
    if request.method == "POST":
        form = forms.ProductUpdateForm(
        products = form.cleaned_data["products"]
        # some more validated data extracting
        return redirect("products_list")
        form = forms.ProductUpdateForm()

        if is_ajax(request):
            products_form = forms.ProductsMultipleForm(request.GET) # form contains only one field "poducts" represents an array of objects
            if products_form.is_valid():
                products = products_form.cleaned_data["products"]
                form = forms.ProductUpdateForm(
                    initial={"products": products}
                **# how to render a page with form contains `init` data?**

        return render(request, "production/product_update.html", {"form": form})


// there are multiple Map() objects each contains **view url**, **button** triggers request and **method** of request.
var $buttonsList = [asTested, setOnStock, configChange];
    $.each($buttonsList, function () {
        var $url = this.get("url");
        var $btn = this.get("btn");
        var $method = this.get("method");
        $btn.on("click", function () {
                type: $method,
                headers: $method == "POST" ? { "X-CSRFToken": CSRF } : {},
                url: $url,
                dataType: "json",
                traditional : true,
                data: {"products": getProductIds()},
                success: function (response) {
                    if ($method == "POST") {