CeasarCipher Javascript

I am working on a function here and have tried lots of different ways to take the shifted word and preserve the casing . I have even tried a module so I went back to code.

My question here is I am trying to get off the ground with the proper logic to preserve the case comparing the old word to the new word and making a new text is not so good. I am getting to the goal but the text is getting duplicated. on the capitalized words with lowercase in random order.

How to do i got about this?

//import { replace, html } from "preserve-case-replace";
//const { default: replace } = require("preserve-case-replace");
//import replace from "preserve-case-replace";

function ceasarCiper(word,cipher){
    let answer = "";
    let word1 = word

    let trackCasing = []
    for (let i = 0; i < word1.length; i++){
        if (word1[i].match(/^[A-Z]*$/)){

    word = word.toLowerCase()

    let alphabet = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"

    console.log(alphabet[23], "testing here")
    let newWord = ""

    for (let j = 0; j < word.length; j++){
        if (!word[j].match(/[a-zA-Z]/i)){
            newWord += word[j]
        for (let i = 0; i < alphabet.length; i++){
            if (alphabet[i] === word[j] && (i+cipher) > 25){
                let remainder = (i+cipher) - 25 
                newWord += alphabet[remainder-1]
            } else{
            if(alphabet[i] === word[j]){
                console.log(alphabet[i + cipher], i, i+cipher)
                newWord += alphabet[i+cipher]     }


        newWord = newWord.split("")
        //replace(inputText, word. newWord)
        return newWord

//console.log(ceasarCiper("hello", 2))
console.log(ceasarCiper("x?Y!Z", 3))

//failed test cases

 /* for (let i = 0; i < newWord.length; i++){
            for (let j = 0; j < trackCasing.length; j++){
                if (i === trackCasing[j]){
                    answer += newWord[i].toUpperCase()
                    answer += newWord[i]
        answer = [...new Set(answer)].join("")*/

    /*let counter = trackCasing.length
        //string.replace(searchValue, replaceValue);
        for (let i = 0; i < trackCasing.length; i++){
        let a = newWord.replace(newWord.charAt(trackCasing[i]), newWord.charAt(trackCasing[i]).toUpperCase())
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