Cut & Copy Images From Document

There is a document about 103 pages. In each page approximately there is 3 product information ( product name, photo, and prices )

Document is converted to high resolution JPG files.

Already 12 pages are done, so 91 pages will be processed.

I need someone to cut those products one by one and save them into the folders.

Folder names should be page numbers. i.e: you will put 15th page products to product_15 folder and the file name will be the product name specified on document ( every product has its own name ) . Its written in turkish so you might have problems with some turkish characters, but its ok just make file name similar to product name. I will understand rest.

One important thing is: while you cut and paste product photo and details to new canvas, please remove all white spaces around. Photoshop users will understand what I mean. Cropping all whitespaces around.

I have attached example page , and 2 product files which I copied myself.

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