I have an array of lap times as strings shown below:
['00:01:41.413000', '00:01:38.790000', '00:01:38.917000', '00:01:38.470000', '00:01:37.906000', '00:01:37.997000', '00:01:37.774000', '00:01:37.669000', '00:01:37.890000', '00:01:37.739000', '00:01:37.593000', '00:01:37.778000', '00:01:37.701000', '00:01:37.707000', '00:01:37.826000', '00:01:37.851000', '00:01:37.987000', '00:01:38.068000', '00:01:38.017000', '00:01:38.123000', '00:01:38.172000', '00:01:38.192000', '00:01:38.231000', '00:01:38.399000', '00:01:38.641000', '00:01:38.575000', '00:01:38.927000', '00:01:39.265000', '00:01:47.873000', '00:01:58.989000', '00:01:36.688000', '00:01:36.824000', '00:01:37.022000', '00:01:36.871000', '00:01:37.100000', '00:01:36.968000', '00:01:36.984000', '00:01:37.071000', '00:01:36.957000', '00:01:36.962000', '00:01:37.380000', '00:01:36.865000', '00:01:36.582000', '00:01:36.414000', '00:01:36.618000', '00:01:36.500000', '00:01:36.628000', '00:01:36.739000', '00:01:36.602000', '00:01:37.055000', '00:01:37.132000', '00:01:36.842000', '00:01:36.843000', '00:01:36.748000', '00:01:36.427000', '00:01:36.387000', '00:01:36.402000', '00:01:36.171000', '00:01:35.967000', '00:01:36.343000', '00:01:36.013000', '00:01:36.931000']
I want to use Chart.js and moment.js to use this data as the graph data for a linear chart, without having to convert it to milliseconds etc. I want the format for the data to be “mm:ss.SSS” on the graph. I have no idea how to do this using moment and the time cartesian parsers in Chart.js
The only relevant resources I could find were outdated versions of Chartjs. I have tried converting the strings into moments of milliseconds and setting:
type: "time",
time: {
unit: "millisecond",
displayFormats: {
millisecond: "mm:ss.SSS",
on the y-axis. My full chart without the time parser is below:
new Chart(ctx, {
type: "line",
data: {
// Generates an array from 1 to total laps to label the axis
labels: Array.from({ length: totalLaps }, (_, i) => i + 1),
datasets: datasets,
options: {
scales: {
x: {
title: {
display: true,
text: "Lap number",
padding: {
top: 24,
y: {
title: {
display: true,
text: "Lap time",
padding: {
bottom: 24,
// Styles the tooltip hover
plugins: {
tooltip: {
enabled: true,
backgroundColor: "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.7)",
titleColor: "#ffffff",
borderColor: "rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.5)",
borderWidth: 1,
padding: 16,
titleFont: {
size: 16,
bodyFont: {
size: 16,
titleAlign: "center",
titleMarginBottom: 8,
cornerRadius: 8,
displayColors: false,
useHTML: true,
callbacks: {
title: (tooltipItems) => `Lap ${tooltipItems[0].label}`,
label: (tooltipItem) => {
const dataset = datasets[tooltipItem.datasetIndex];
const value = tooltipItem.raw;
const lapCompound = dataset.laps[tooltipItem.dataIndex][1];
return `${dataset.label}: ${value} [${lapCompound}]`;