problem with js animated text in elementor plugin

I bought a WordPress theme made with Elementor
There is a piece of code in the plugins that shows the titles in the form of animation on the site
My site’s language is Arabic and I can’t use it because this plugin animates letters by letters and I want it to animate word by word.

! function(D, u) { "object" == typeof exports && "undefined" != typeof module ? u(exports) : "function" == typeof define && define.amd ? define(["exports"], u) : u((D = D || self).window = D.window || {}) }(this, function(D) {
    "use strict";
    var _ = /([uD800-uDBFF][uDC00-uDFFF](?:[u200DuFE0F][uD800-uDBFF][uDC00-uDFFF]){2,}|uD83DuDC69(?:u200D(?:(?:uD83DuDC69u200D)?uD83DuDC67|(?:uD83DuDC69u200D)?uD83DuDC66)|uD83C[uDFFB-uDFFF])|uD83DuDC69u200D(?:uD83DuDC69u200D)?uD83DuDC66u200DuD83DuDC66|uD83DuDC69u200D(?:uD83DuDC69u200D)?uD83DuDC67u200D(?:uD83D[uDC66uDC67])|uD83CuDFF3uFE0Fu200DuD83CuDF08|(?:uD83C[uDFC3uDFC4uDFCA]|uD83D[uDC6EuDC71uDC73uDC77uDC81uDC82uDC86uDC87uDE45-uDE47uDE4BuDE4DuDE4EuDEA3uDEB4-uDEB6]|uD83E[uDD26uDD37-uDD39uDD3DuDD3EuDDD6-uDDDD])(?:uD83C[uDFFB-uDFFF])u200D[u2640u2642]uFE0F|uD83DuDC69(?:uD83C[uDFFB-uDFFF])u200D(?:uD83C[uDF3EuDF73uDF93uDFA4uDFA8uDFEBuDFED]|uD83D[uDCBBuDCBCuDD27uDD2CuDE80uDE92])|(?:uD83C[uDFC3uDFC4uDFCA]|uD83D[uDC6EuDC6FuDC71uDC73uDC77uDC81uDC82uDC86uDC87uDE45-uDE47uDE4BuDE4DuDE4EuDEA3uDEB4-uDEB6]|uD83E[uDD26uDD37-uDD39uDD3C-uDD3EuDDD6-uDDDF])u200D[u2640u2642]uFE0F|uD83CuDDFDuD83CuDDF0|uD83CuDDF6uD83CuDDE6|uD83CuDDF4uD83CuDDF2|uD83CuDDE9(?:uD83C[uDDEAuDDECuDDEFuDDF0uDDF2uDDF4uDDFF])|uD83CuDDF7(?:uD83C[uDDEAuDDF4uDDF8uDDFAuDDFC])|uD83CuDDE8(?:uD83C[uDDE6uDDE8uDDE9uDDEB-uDDEEuDDF0-uDDF5uDDF7uDDFA-uDDFF])|(?:u26F9|uD83C[uDFCBuDFCC]|uD83DuDD75)(?:uFE0Fu200D[u2640u2642]|(?:uD83C[uDFFB-uDFFF])u200D[u2640u2642])uFE0F|(?:uD83DuDC41uFE0Fu200DuD83DuDDE8|uD83DuDC69(?:uD83C[uDFFB-uDFFF])u200D[u2695u2696u2708]|uD83DuDC69u200D[u2695u2696u2708]|uD83DuDC68(?:(?:uD83C[uDFFB-uDFFF])u200D[u2695u2696u2708]|u200D[u2695u2696u2708]))uFE0F|uD83CuDDF2(?:uD83C[uDDE6uDDE8-uDDEDuDDF0-uDDFF])|uD83DuDC69u200D(?:uD83C[uDF3EuDF73uDF93uDFA4uDFA8uDFEBuDFED]|uD83D[uDCBBuDCBCuDD27uDD2CuDE80uDE92]|u2764uFE0Fu200D(?:uD83DuDC8Bu200D(?:uD83D[uDC68uDC69])|uD83D[uDC68uDC69]))|uD83CuDDF1(?:uD83C[uDDE6-uDDE8uDDEEuDDF0uDDF7-uDDFBuDDFE])|uD83CuDDEF(?:uD83C[uDDEAuDDF2uDDF4uDDF5])|uD83CuDDED(?:uD83C[uDDF0uDDF2uDDF3uDDF7uDDF9uDDFA])|uD83CuDDEB(?:uD83C[uDDEE-uDDF0uDDF2uDDF4uDDF7])|[#*0-9]uFE0Fu20E3|uD83CuDDE7(?:uD83C[uDDE6uDDE7uDDE9-uDDEFuDDF1-uDDF4uDDF6-uDDF9uDDFBuDDFCuDDFEuDDFF])|uD83CuDDE6(?:uD83C[uDDE8-uDDECuDDEEuDDF1uDDF2uDDF4uDDF6-uDDFAuDDFCuDDFDuDDFF])|uD83CuDDFF(?:uD83C[uDDE6uDDF2uDDFC])|uD83CuDDF5(?:uD83C[uDDE6uDDEA-uDDEDuDDF0-uDDF3uDDF7-uDDF9uDDFCuDDFE])|uD83CuDDFB(?:uD83C[uDDE6uDDE8uDDEAuDDECuDDEEuDDF3uDDFA])|uD83CuDDF3(?:uD83C[uDDE6uDDE8uDDEA-uDDECuDDEEuDDF1uDDF4uDDF5uDDF7uDDFAuDDFF])|uD83CuDFF4uDB40uDC67uDB40uDC62(?:uDB40uDC77uDB40uDC6CuDB40uDC73|uDB40uDC73uDB40uDC63uDB40uDC74|uDB40uDC65uDB40uDC6EuDB40uDC67)uDB40uDC7F|uD83DuDC68(?:u200D(?:u2764uFE0Fu200D(?:uD83DuDC8Bu200D)?uD83DuDC68|(?:(?:uD83D[uDC68uDC69])u200D)?uD83DuDC66u200DuD83DuDC66|(?:(?:uD83D[uDC68uDC69])u200D)?uD83DuDC67u200D(?:uD83D[uDC66uDC67])|uD83C[uDF3EuDF73uDF93uDFA4uDFA8uDFEBuDFED]|uD83D[uDCB
    function k(D) { return e.getComputedStyle(D) }
    function n(D, u) { var e; return i(D) ? D : "string" == (e = typeof D) && !u && D ?, 0) : D && "object" == e && "length" in D ?, 0) : D ? [D] : [] }
    function o(D) { return "absolute" === D.position || !0 === D.absolute }
    function p(D, u) {
        for (var e, t = u.length; - 1 < --t;)
            if (e = u[t], D.substr(0, e.length) === e) return e.length
    function r(D, u) {
        void 0 === D && (D = "");
        var e = ~D.indexOf("++"),
            t = 1;
        return e && (D = D.split("++").join("")),
            function() { return "<" + u + " style='position:relative;display:inline-block;'" + (D ? " class='" + D + (e ? t++ : "") + "'>" : ">") }
    function s(D, u, e) {
        var t = D.nodeType;
        if (1 === t || 9 === t || 11 === t)
            for (D = D.firstChild; D; D = D.nextSibling) s(D, u, e);
        else 3 !== t && 4 !== t || (D.nodeValue = D.nodeValue.split(u).join(e))
    function t(D, u) { for (var e = u.length; - 1 < --e;) D.push(u[e]) }
    function u(D, u, e) {
        for (var t; D && D !== u;) {
            if (t = D._next || D.nextSibling) return t.textContent.charAt(0) === e;
            D = D.parentNode || D._parent
    function v(D) {
        var u, e, t = n(D.childNodes),
            F = t.length;
        for (u = 0; u < F; u++)(e = t[u])._isSplit ? v(e) : u && e.previousSibling && 3 === e.previousSibling.nodeType ? (e.previousSibling.nodeValue += 3 === e.nodeType ? e.nodeValue : e.firstChild.nodeValue, D.removeChild(e)) : 3 !== e.nodeType && (D.insertBefore(e.firstChild, e), D.removeChild(e))
    function w(D, u) { return parseFloat(u[D]) || 0 }
    function x(D, e, F, C, i, n, E) {
        var r, l, p, d, a, h, B, f, A, c, x, g, y = k(D),
            _ = w("paddingLeft", y),
            b = -999,
            S = w("borderBottomWidth", y) + w("borderTopWidth", y),
            T = w("borderLeftWidth", y) + w("borderRightWidth", y),
            m = w("paddingTop", y) + w("paddingBottom", y),
            N = w("paddingLeft", y) + w("paddingRight", y),
            L = w("fontSize", y) * (e.lineThreshold || .2),
            W = y.textAlign,
            H = [],
            O = [],
            V = [],
            j = e.wordDelimiter || " ",
            M = e.tag ? e.tag : e.span ? "span" : "div",
            R = e.type || e.split || "chars,words,lines",
            z = i && ~R.indexOf("lines") ? [] : null,
            P = ~R.indexOf("words"),
            q = ~R.indexOf("chars"),
            G = o(e),
            I = e.linesClass,
            J = ~(I || "").indexOf("++"),
            K = [],
            Q = "flex" === y.display,
            U =;
        for (J && (I = I.split("++").join("")), Q && ( = "block"), p = (l = D.getElementsByTagName("*")).length, a = [], r = 0; r < p; r++) a[r] = l[r];
        if (z || G)
            for (r = 0; r < p; r++)((h = (d = a[r]).parentNode === D) || G || q && !P) && (g = d.offsetTop, z && h && Math.abs(g - b) > L && ("BR" !== d.nodeName || 0 === r) && (B = [], z.push(B), b = g), G && (d._x = d.offsetLeft, d._y = g, d._w = d.offsetWidth, d._h = d.offsetHeight), z && ((d._isSplit && h || !q && h || P && h || !P && d.parentNode.parentNode === D && !d.parentNode._isSplit) && (B.push(d), d._x -= _, u(d, D, j) && (d._wordEnd = !0)), "BR" === d.nodeName && (d.nextSibling && "BR" === d.nextSibling.nodeName || 0 === r) && z.push([])));
        for (r = 0; r < p; r++)
            if (h = (d = a[r]).parentNode === D, "BR" !== d.nodeName)
                if (G && (A =, P || h || (d._x += d.parentNode._x, d._y += d.parentNode._y), A.left = d._x + "px", = d._y + "px", A.position = "absolute", A.display = "block", A.width = d._w + 1 + "px", A.height = d._h + "px"), !P && q)
                    if (d._isSplit)
                        for (d._next = l = d.nextSibling, d.parentNode.appendChild(d); l && 3 === l.nodeType && " " === l.textContent;) d._next = l.nextSibling, d.parentNode.appendChild(l), l = l.nextSibling;
                    else d.parentNode._isSplit ? (d._parent = d.parentNode, !d.previousSibling && d.firstChild && (d.firstChild._isFirst = !0), d.nextSibling && " " === d.nextSibling.textContent && !d.nextSibling.nextSibling && K.push(d.nextSibling), d._next = d.nextSibling && d.nextSibling._isFirst ? null : d.nextSibling, d.parentNode.removeChild(d), a.splice(r--, 1), p--) : h || (g = !d.nextSibling && u(d.parentNode, D, j), d.parentNode._parent && d.parentNode._parent.appendChild(d), g && d.parentNode.appendChild(X.createTextNode(" ")), "span" === M && ( = "inline"), H.push(d));
        else d.parentNode._isSplit && !d._isSplit && "" !== d.innerHTML ? O.push(d) : q && !d._isSplit && ("span" === M && ( = "inline"), H.push(d));
        else z || G ? (d.parentNode && d.parentNode.removeChild(d), a.splice(r--, 1), p--) : P || D.appendChild(d);
        for (r = K.length; - 1 < --r;) K[r].parentNode.removeChild(K[r]);
        if (z) {
            for (G && (c = X.createElement(M), D.appendChild(c), x = c.offsetWidth + "px", g = c.offsetParent === D ? 0 : D.offsetLeft, D.removeChild(c)), A =, = "display:none;"; D.firstChild;) D.removeChild(D.firstChild);
            for (f = " " === j && (!G || !P && !q), r = 0; r < z.length; r++) {
                for (B = z[r], (c = X.createElement(M)).style.cssText = "display:block;text-align:" + W + ";position:" + (G ? "absolute;" : "relative;"), I && (c.className = I + (J ? r + 1 : "")), V.push(c), p = B.length, l = 0; l < p; l++) "BR" !== B[l].nodeName && (d = B[l], c.appendChild(d), f && d._wordEnd && c.appendChild(X.createTextNode(" ")), G && (0 === l && ( = d._y + "px", = _ + g + "px"), = "0px", g && ( = d._x - g + "px")));
                0 === p ? c.innerHTML = "&nbsp;" : P || q || (v(c), s(c, String.fromCharCode(160), " ")), G && ( = x, = d._h + "px"), D.appendChild(c)
   = A
        G && (E > D.clientHeight && ( = E - m + "px", D.clientHeight < E && ( = E + S + "px")), n > D.clientWidth && ( = n - N + "px", D.clientWidth < n && ( = n + T + "px"))), Q && (U ? = U :"display")), t(F, H), P && t(C, O), t(i, V)
    function y(D, u, e, t) {
        var F, C, i, n, E, r, l, d, a = u.tag ? u.tag : u.span ? "span" : "div",
            h = ~(u.type || u.split || "chars,words,lines").indexOf("chars"),
            B = o(u),
            f = u.wordDelimiter || " ",
            A = " " !== f ? "" : B ? "&#173; " : " ",
            c = "</" + a + ">",
            x = 1,
            g = u.specialChars ? "function" == typeof u.specialChars ? u.specialChars : p : null,
            y = X.createElement("div"),
            v = D.parentNode;
        for (v.insertBefore(y, D), y.textContent = D.nodeValue, v.removeChild(D), l = -1 !== (F = function getText(D) {
                var u = D.nodeType,
                    e = "";
                if (1 === u || 9 === u || 11 === u) { if ("string" == typeof D.textContent) return D.textContent; for (D = D.firstChild; D; D = D.nextSibling) e += getText(D) } else if (3 === u || 4 === u) return D.nodeValue;
                return e
            }(D = y)).indexOf("<"), !1 !== u.reduceWhiteSpace && (F = F.replace(S, " ").replace(b, "")), l && (F = F.split("<").join("{{LT}}")), E = F.length, C = (" " === F.charAt(0) ? A : "") + e(), i = 0; i < E; i++)
            if (r = F.charAt(i), g && (d = g(F.substr(i), u.specialChars))) r = F.substr(i, d || 1), C += h && " " !== r ? t() + r + "</" + a + ">" : r, i += d - 1;
            else if (r === f && F.charAt(i - 1) !== f && i) {
            for (C += x ? c : "", x = 0; F.charAt(i + 1) === f;) C += A, i++;
            i === E - 1 ? C += A : ")" !== F.charAt(i + 1) && (C += A + e(), x = 1)
        } else "{" === r && "{{LT}}" === F.substr(i, 6) ? (C += h ? t() + "{{LT}}</" + a + ">" : "{{LT}}", i += 5) : 55296 <= r.charCodeAt(0) && r.charCodeAt(0) <= 56319 || 65024 <= F.charCodeAt(i + 1) && F.charCodeAt(i + 1) <= 65039 ? (n = ((F.substr(i, 12).split(_) || [])[1] || "").length || 2, C += h && " " !== r ? t() + F.substr(i, n) + "</" + a + ">" : F.substr(i, n), i += n - 1) : C += h && " " !== r ? t() + r + "</" + a + ">" : r;
        D.outerHTML = C + (x ? c : ""), l && s(v, "{{LT}}", "<")
    function z(D, u, e, t) {
        var F, C, i = n(D.childNodes),
            E = i.length,
            s = o(u);
        if (3 !== D.nodeType || 1 < E) { for (u.absolute = !1, F = 0; F < E; F++)(C = i[F])._next = C._isFirst = C._parent = C._wordEnd = null, 3 === C.nodeType && !/S+/.test(C.nodeValue) || (s && 3 !== C.nodeType && "inline" === k(C).display && ( = "inline-block", = "relative"), C._isSplit = !0, z(C, u, e, t)); return u.absolute = s, void(D._isSplit = !0) }
        y(D, u, e, t)
    var X, e, F, C, b = /(?:r|n|tt)/g,
        S = /(?:ss+)/g,
        i = Array.isArray,
        E = [].slice,
        l = ((C = SplitText.prototype).split = function split(D) { this.isSplit && this.revert(), this.vars = D = D || this.vars, this._originals.length = this.chars.length = this.words.length = this.lines.length = 0; for (var u, e, t, F = this.elements.length, C = D.tag ? D.tag : D.span ? "span" : "div", i = r(D.wordsClass, C), n = r(D.charsClass, C); - 1 < --F;) t = this.elements[F], this._originals[F] = t.innerHTML, u = t.clientHeight, e = t.clientWidth, z(t, D, i, n), x(t, D, this.chars, this.words, this.lines, e, u); return this.chars.reverse(), this.words.reverse(), this.lines.reverse(), this.isSplit = !0, this }, C.revert = function revert() { var e = this._originals; if (!e) throw "revert() call wasn't scoped properly."; return this.elements.forEach(function(D, u) { return D.innerHTML = e[u] }), this.chars = [], this.words = [], this.lines = [], this.isSplit = !1, this }, SplitText.create = function create(D, u) { return new SplitText(D, u) }, SplitText);
    function SplitText(D, u) { F || function _initCore() { X = document, e = window, F = 1 }(), this.elements = n(D), this.chars = [], this.words = [], this.lines = [], this._originals = [], this.vars = u || {}, this.split(u) }
    l.version = "3.6.1", D.SplitText = l, D.default = l;
    if (typeof(window) === "undefined" || window !== D) { Object.defineProperty(D, "__esModule", { value: !0 }) } else { delete D.default }

My specialized language is PHP and I don’t know JavaScript
Thank you for your guidance on how I can edit this code