I wanted that in ‘change’ if the value of the input-number becomes equal to, for example, ‘5’ I wanted it to assign the readonly property or at least have the same behavior as the property in that input-number, as it is now it is not working
:disabled="isParameterDisabled(q) || q.parameter.calculated"
:readonly="isReadonly || isParameterReadonly(q)"
:precision="q.typeProps.precision ? parseInt(q.typeProps.precision) : defaultPrecision"
@change="onNumericValueChanged($event, q, a, f.title)"
@keydown.enter.native="focusNextInput(q.id, a)"
:class="loadTrafficLightNumeric(q, q.values[a - 1].value_numeric)"
onNumericValueChanged(value, q, a, className) {
if (value === 5) {
this.isReadonly = true;
} else {
this.isReadonly = false;