Replace special character only between square brackets by regex and asp classic

I need replace special character only between square brackets [ ] by Regex and asp classic if may

StrPost :
“Hello [Good morning] and [good day] , this year is [2024] and israel killed ( 20000 ) childrens and [20000 womans] in Gaza and Palestine and Lebanon only in 12 months, it is not Good news”

i need Only Replace word “good” to “bad” and number “2” to “3” in between square brackets [ ] , i should not change another word or number outside square brackets

Output :
“Hello [bad morning] and [bad day] , this year is [3034] and israel killed ( 20000 ) childrens and [30000 womans] in Gaza and Palestine and Lebanon only in 12 months, it is not Good news”

i try this code but replace all content in [square brackets] to number 3 and is not good for me , i need change some of number and character between square brackets, not all words

Function RemoveSpace( strText )
Dim RegEx

Set RegEx = New RegExp

RegEx.Pattern = "[.*?]"
RegEx.Global = True

RemoveSpace = RegEx.replace(strText,”3″)

End Function

StrPost_excerpt = RemoveSpace(StrPost)

response.write StrPost_excerpt