How do I call child component method() via slots

I am migrating project from Vue 2 to Vue 3 and can’t find a solution to a problem



<script lang="ts">
import { Component, Setup, Vue } from 'vue-facing-decorator'
import { useSlots } from 'vue'

    name: 'Form'
export default class Form extends Vue
    @Setup(() => useSlots())
    private slots!:any;

    public mounted():void


    public submit():void
        for(let i in this.slots!.default!())
            let child:any = this.slots!.default!()[i];

            if('FormSubmit' ===


<script lang="ts">

import { Component, Prop, Setup, Vue, Watch } from 'vue-facing-decorator'

    name: 'FormSubmit',
    expose: ['lock']
export default class FormSubmit extends Vue
    public lock():void
        console.log('lock the button');

And the main view:

            <FormSubmit />

<script lang="ts">
import {Vue, Component } from 'vue-facing-decorator';

export default class FormView extends Vue

In Vue 2 I could loop through this.$children and access any child method but here it says that

child.lock is not a function

How can I then get the child from a slot and call that child’s method?

Unfortunatelly ChatGPT is not helping this time, asking me to change submit() function into this

public submit():void
        const defaultSlot = this.slots!.default?.();

        if (!defaultSlot) return;

        defaultSlot.forEach((vnode: any) => {
            if ( === 'FormSubmit') {
                const componentInstance = vnode.component;
                if (componentInstance && typeof === 'function') {
          ; // Call the lock method

but componentIntance is always null