Fullcalendar supports an eventContent and numerous other callbacks letting us to define custom templates for event UI and etc…
There is a wrapper library called @fullcalendar/angular, it provides a way to define custom event template in angular style and it renders into the correct spot the calendar.
<full-calendar [options]="calendarOptions()">
<ng-template #eventContent let-arg>
I am an event with {{ binding }} and {{ arg.event.title }}
My question: How actually this library makes it work? Fullcalendar in a nutshell is just a javascript library and I expect there is somewhere eventContent
callback is called and this library does a trick by taking the template and creating a DOM element out of it. Can you tell me what technique is used for that? I can rephrase a question: how to dynamically generate a DOM Element, a template of which is managed by Angular. I even fine if change detection will not work automatically (it probably won’t).
I pulled a source repo and it’s content is very strange to me. I see how the eventContent is read from @contentChildren but nothing happens with it after.