How to make nuxt multiselect work properly with data from Laravel API?

I’m using the USelectMenu component from the Nuxt UI library, and I need to ensure that all the options that the user can select are displayed. I have that covered with my mapped_looking_for method, and the options are bound correctly. Then, I need to display all the options that the user has already selected, which I also have working to some extent.

The problem is that the select should work in such a way that if an option is selected, there should be a tick next to it on the right indicating that it is indeed selected. However, even though it shows that 5 options are selected, I don’t see the tick next to them. I am also unable to interact with them in such a way that I could remove options. Essentially, it doesn’t work for me; I would have to manually delete them from the database.

Could anyone offer some advice? I’m relatively new to working with APIs, and I might be passing the data incorrectly. Thank you.

This is frontend.

 <USelectMenu v-model="looking_fors" :options="mapped_looking_for" multiple
                    :placeholder="getLookingForPlaceholder" />

const mapped_looking_for = ref([]);

const looking_for = ref([]);

const fetchLookingFor = async () => {
    try {
        const { data } = await api.get('/api/lookingFor');
        mapped_looking_for.value = => ({
        console.log('Mapped looking_for:', mapped_looking_for.value);
    } catch (error) {
        console.error('Error fetching looking for options:', error);

const getLookingForPlaceholder = computed(() => {
    const count = profile.value.looking_fors?.length || 0;
    return count > 0 ? `${count} selected` : 'None';

const fetchProfile = async () => {
    try {
        const { data } = await api.get('/api/profiles/show');
        profile.value = data.profile;
        user.value = data.user;
        looking_for.value = =>; 
    } catch (error) {
        console.error('Error fetching profile:', error);

const updateProfile = async () => {
    try {
        const looking_for_ids = => item.value);

        await api.put(`/api/profiles/${}/looking-for`, {
            looking_for: looking_for_ids
        console.log('Profile updated successfully');
    } catch (error) {
        console.error('Error updating profile:', error);

This is what I have on backend.

 public function updateLookingFor(Request $request): JsonResponse
    $user = $request->user();
    $profile = $user->profile;
    $validated = $request->validate([
        'looking_for' => 'array',
        'looking_for.*' => 'exists:looking_fors,id',


    return response()->json(['message' => 'Looking for updated successfully']);

// And route
    Route::put('/profiles/{id}/looking-for', [ProfileController::class, 'updateLookingFor']);