Have an audio with other photo and paragraph on the page when i scroll to that section where the audio player is how can i activate autolay?

instead of the audio player playing right when the browser loads only during the scroll view. i put psdeu class of hover but it didnt work for autoplay

                      #musicPla:hover {


                <img src="pic1.jpg">
                 <p> my mom has a house on the hills with hot girls </p>

                    <img src="pic2.jpg">
             <p>my bestfriends birthday party last year </p>

                 <!-- not visible on the page at first due to photos-->
                 <audio controls  id="musicPla" <source src="dog.mp3" 
                  type="audio/mp3"> </audio>


so i was creating a html page. had a audio player with ophotos before that on the page and wanted the audio player to autoplay during scroll back