phaser 3: Uncaught TypeError: is not a function unable to launch i have implemented a scene manager and im having trouble

phaser 3: Uncaught TypeError: is not a function unable to launch i have implemented a scene manager and im having trouble.

please help i really want to be able to use this scenemanager as it makes stuff a lot easier. i need to use launch because i am having a battle with a lot of temporary variables like the health bars and stuff and when i open the inventory to use an item i need to be able to resume the battle. it lets me use start, and pause, and resume, but when i start it stops the previous scene. i need to use launch to get around this im pretty sure. but its not letting me. .

the line im having trouble with is this line, data);

the error im getting is:

Uncaught TypeError: is not a function

i tried to provide context of i never used it like this before. something wrong with the way im using it.

//when i start my game i run this.

const game = new Phaser.Game(config);



//in my globals class i have this:

class Globals {
    constructor() {

        this._inputManager = new InputManager();
        this._sceneManager = null;

    initSceneManager(game) {
        this.sceneManager = new SceneManager(game, this.inputManager); // Pass the input manager
        this.sceneManager.init(); // Initialize the SceneManager

    //and getters and setters. 

    //this is my scenemanager. 

class SceneManager {
    constructor(game, inputManager) { = game;
        this.inputManager = inputManager;
        this.currentScene = null;
        // this.sceneManager = game.scene;

    init() {
        this.inputManager.init(; // Initialize input manager with the game context

    transitionTo(newSceneName, data = {}, pauseCurrent = false) {
        console.log(`Transitioning from ${this.currentScene} to ${newSceneName}`);
        console.log('SceneManager methods:', Object.keys(;
        console.log('Is start a function?', typeof === 'function');
        console.log('Is launch a function?', typeof === 'function');
        // console.log('SceneManager methods:', Object.keys(this.sceneManager));

        // Disable input listeners immediately

            if (this.currentScene) {
                if (pauseCurrent) {
                    // console.log('Pausing: ', this.currentScene);
                    console.log('not stopping');
                } else {
                    console.log('Stopping: ', this.currentScene);
            // Set a short delay before starting the new scene
            setTimeout(() => {
                // this.currentScene = newSceneName;
                //, data);
                this.currentScene = newSceneName;

                if (pauseCurrent) {
                    console.log('Launching new scene:', newSceneName);
          , data);
                } else {
                    console.log('Starting new scene:', newSceneName);
          , data);

                // Set up new input listeners with a delay
                setTimeout(() => {
                    const inputs = this.getSceneInputs(newSceneName);
                    console.log('Setting inputs for', newSceneName, ':', inputs);
                    this.inputManager.setSceneInputs(newSceneName, inputs);            }, 50);
                }, 25);
            } catch (error) {
                console.error('Error during scene transition:', error);