How to decrypt C++ OpenSSL ChaCha20 from nodeJS?

I’m trying to decrypt data that have been encrypted using C++ OpenSSL ChaCha20 from Node.js, but standard Node.js crypto module doesn’t directly support ChaCha20 without Poly1305.

I have tried using the JsChaCha20 lib, it doesnt fail but the decrypted data is not correctly, the decrypt function return this: 'bAۄ���@��'

I’m trying to figure if its a problem with my code or with the JsChaCha20 lib or even a missmatch between the OpenSSL implementation and the lib.

import crypto     from 'crypto'
import JSChaCha20 from './jschacha20.js'

function decrypt(data, password)
    if (!data.length)
        return false

    // Generate a salt from the password
    const pwhash = crypto.createHash('sha256').update(password).digest()
    const salt   = Buffer.from(pwhash)

    const NONCE_SIZE = 12
    const KEY_SIZE   = 32

    // Derive key from password
    const key = crypto.createHash('sha256').update(password).digest()

    // Derive nonce
    const context = Buffer.concat([Buffer.from(password), salt])
    const hash    = crypto.createHash('sha256').update(context).digest()
    const nonce   = hash.slice(0, NONCE_SIZE)

    // Log values for comparison
    console.log('nkeyn', key.toString('base64'))
    console.log('nnoncen', nonce.toString('base64'))
    console.log('nsaltn', salt.toString('base64'))
    console.log('ncontextn', context.toString('base64'))

        const decipher = new JSChaCha20(key, nonce)
        let decrypted  = decipher.decrypt(Buffer.from(data))
        decrypted      = Buffer.from(decrypted).toString('utf8')
        return decrypted
    catch (error)
        return false

let encrypted   = "b1OnS61xyC/D0Dc="
encrypted       = Buffer.from(encrypted, 'base64')
const decrypted = decrypt(encrypted, "password")

My C++ OpenSSL ChaCha20 implementation:

#include <openssl/sha.h>
#include <openssl/buffer.h>
#include <openssl/rand.h>
#include <openssl/evp.h>

bool encrypt(std::string& data, std::string& password)
    if (data.empty()) 
        return false;
    // Generate a salt from the password
    unsigned char pwhash[SHA256_DIGEST_LENGTH];
    SHA256(reinterpret_cast<const unsigned char*>(, password.size(), pwhash);
    std::vector<unsigned char> salt(pwhash, pwhash + 32);

    constexpr size_t NONCE_SIZE = 12;
    constexpr size_t KEY_SIZE = 32;

    // Derive key from password
    unsigned char key[KEY_SIZE];
    SHA256(reinterpret_cast<const unsigned char*>(, password.size(), key);

    // Derive nonce
    std::vector<unsigned char> context;
    context.reserve(password.size() + salt.size());
    context.insert(context.end(), password.begin(), password.end());
    context.insert(context.end(), salt.begin(), salt.end());
    unsigned char hash[SHA256_DIGEST_LENGTH];
    SHA256(, context.size(), hash);
    std::vector<unsigned char> nonce(hash, hash + NONCE_SIZE);
    // Encrypt with derived nonce
    if (!ctx) return false;
    if (EVP_EncryptInit_ex(ctx, EVP_chacha20(), nullptr, key, != 1) {
        return false;

    std::vector<char> ciphertext(data.size(), 0);
    int ciphertextLen;
    if (EVP_EncryptUpdate(ctx, reinterpret_cast<unsigned char*>(, &ciphertextLen, 
                          reinterpret_cast<const unsigned char*>(, data.size()) != 1) {
        return false;

    // Print key, nonce, salt, and context in base64
    auto toBase64 = [](const unsigned char* data, size_t len) -> std::string {
        BIO* b64 = BIO_new(BIO_f_base64());
        BIO* bio = BIO_new(BIO_s_mem());
        bio = BIO_push(b64, bio);
        BIO_write(bio, data, len);
        BUF_MEM* bufferPtr;
        BIO_get_mem_ptr(bio, &bufferPtr);
        std::string result(bufferPtr->data, bufferPtr->length - 1); // Exclude the null terminator
        return result;

    std::cout << "nkeyn"     << toBase64(key, sizeof(key));
    std::cout << "nnoncen"   << toBase64(, nonce.size());
    std::cout << "nsaltn"    << toBase64(, salt.size());
    std::cout << "ncontextn" << toBase64(, context.size());

    int encDataSize = 4 * ((data.length() + 2) / 3);
    std::vector<unsigned char> b64(encDataSize + 1); // +1 for the terminating null that EVP_EncodeBlock adds on
    EVP_EncodeBlock(, reinterpret_cast<const unsigned char*>(, ciphertext.size());

    data = std::string(b64.begin(), b64.end());

    return true;

int main()
    std::string data     = "Hello World";
    std::string password = "password";
    encrypt(data, password);

key, nonce, salt, contenxt all them matches the values from the C++ function.

Im derivating the nonce from the password, so i wouldnt need to append it to the cipher, i know this is not secure, but im trying to not increase the data size, this is why im trying ChaCha20 over Poly1305 as Poly1305 also appends a tag.