I’m trying to implement an image gallery with a skeleton loader that should display while the images are loading. However, for some reason, the loader is not showing up even with throttling on. I understand that I should use the onload
event to check if the images are loaded, but I want to verify that the skeleton loader works while the data is being fetched. If I set the condition to v-if="status !== 'pending'"
, I can see the skeleton. I tried adding a delay await new Promise((r) => setTimeout(r, 1000));
before imgList.value = data.value.data;
, but I still couldn’t see the loader. Also, tried using <Suspense>
to use a skeleton as a fallback, but it didn’t work.
Reproduction: https://stackblitz.com/edit/nuxt-starter-63w6mv?file=app%2Fpages%2Fgallery.vue
<div class="w-32 h-32 bg-white" v-if="status === 'pending'" />
class="w-full cursor-pointer rounded-lg object-cover shadow-2xl"
const imgList = ref<Image[]>([]);
const { apiBase } = useRuntimeConfig().public;
const { data, status, error } = await useFetch<{ data: Image[] }>(
{ lazy: true }
watchEffect(() => {
if (status.value === 'success') {
if (data.value) {
// await new Promise((r) => setTimeout(r, 1000));
imgList.value = data.value.data;
} else if (status.value === 'error') {
console.error('Error loading images: ', error.value);
I’m looking for a possible solution.