Error promise timeout when running whatsapp bot

I’m encountering an issue when running my WhatsApp bot using the Baileys library. Every time I try to use the “pppanjang” feature to change or set the WhatsApp profile picture, I receive the following error:

Error: Timed Out

    at C:UsersHP G4ODownloadsplatform-toolsryo2node_modules@whiskeysocketsbaileyslibUtilsgenerics.js:136:32 {

      data: {

        stack: 'Errorn' +

          '    at promiseTimeout (C:\Users\HP G4O\Downloads\platform-tools\ryo2\node_modules\@whiskeysockets\baileys\lib\Utils\generics.js:131:19)n' +

          '    at waitForMessage (C:\Users\HP G4O\Downloads\platform-tools\ryo2\node_modules\@whiskeysockets\baileys\lib\Socket\socket.js:114:53)n' +

          '    at Object.query (C:\Users\HP G4O\Downloads\platform-tools\ryo2\node_modules\@whiskeysockets\baileys\lib\Socket\socket.js:136:22)n' +

          '    at okta (C:\Users\HP G4O\Downloads\platform-tools\ryo2\oka.js:1829:12)'


      isBoom: true,

      isServer: false,

      output: {

        statusCode: 408,

        payload: {

          statusCode: 408,

          error: 'Request Time-out',

          message: 'Timed Out'


        headers: {}




This happens when I send the message “pppanjang” which is supposed to configure WhatsApp profile settings. However, I always get this timeout error.

Has anyone encountered this issue before or know what might be causing it? Any help would be appreciated!

I tried using the “pppanjang” feature, which is supposed to set the WhatsApp bot’s profile picture. I expected the bot to update the profile picture successfully, but instead, I encountered a “Timed Out” error. This happens every time I send the “pppanjang” command.