Two Data Entry Forms In Java For A Wpsite 2

I need a java programmer, fluent with the Netbeans IDE and ICEFACES components.

I want two simple Java Server Faces Pages to be used to enter data. The resulting forms should be usable on 2 WP blog static pages.

Here is the first JSF page example:

Most of the code here is already written, but I’m having some difficulty having the “Start Entering Country Name” inputText field to work. I have used ICEFACES components. Once the programmer has been selected, I will send him my existing code to have this problem resolved.

The second Java Server Faces Page is the one below:

Here we’ll need to do some modifications where we provide a drop-down selection, not to keep all choices clogging the page all the time.

However, the page has to enable each selected item accompanied by the following parameter fields to be filled by the user:

1 .Price
2. Quantity
3. Date

Altogether there will be 8 product categories (CROPS shown below being one of them) with 20, 11, 22, 9, 7, 4, 4 and 11 products in each respectively. The webmaster must be left with the possibility to add further categories and products
on his own when needed.
Each category should offer a drop-down menu, with selectable products to be displayed and their fields to be filled by the page visitor.

The Output of the forms should be a list of java objects as follows:

“xxx1” Price Quantity Date
“xxx2” Price Quantity Date
“xxx3” Price Quantity Date
“xxx4” Price Quantity Date
“xxx5” Price Quantity Date
“xxx6” Price Quantity Date
“xxx7” Price Quantity Date

The list will need to be saved within the domain, accessible to a SQL database for incorporation. The same applies to the first form.

The work is needed urgently. In case the drop-down/cascading menus take longer time, we are ready to consider sticking to the present format of displaying all choices on the screen.
We are likewise happy to have an existing WP forms plugin used and modified, as long as you can convert the output into a list of java objects and change the layout into multicolumn format.

Screenshots and the project description (repeated) are in the PDF attachment.

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