scrollwidth and clientwidth remain the same while increasing fontsize

I have this function that increases the fontsize of a container depending on the scrollwidth. But When I print the scrollWidth and clientWidth in the while loop, it stays the same.

function adjustFontSize(textField) {
      let fontSize = 10; // Starting font size = fontSize + "px";
      // Increment font size until textField no longer fits
      while (textField.scrollWidth <= textField.clientWidth) {
        fontSize++; = fontSize + "px";

This is my html. I am trying to resize the direct children of playerInfoContainer (the playerInfo classes).

<div id="playerInfoContainer">
        <div class="playerInfo winner">
          <div class="playerInfoName">Sané</div>
          <div class="playerInfoPercentage">9 (40,9%)</div>
        <div class="playerInfo">
          <div class="playerInfoName">Hamm</div>
          <div class="playerInfoPercentage">8 (36,4%)</div>

        <div class="playerInfo">
          <div class="playerInfoName">Gulászci</div>
          <div class="playerInfoPercentage">5 (22,7%)</div>

This is the css. The parent container is a flexbox but even if I change it to grid it doesn’t help.

#playerInfoContainer {
      position: absolute;
      top: 172px;
      left: 0;
      width: 267px;
      height: 599px;
      text-align: center;
      display: flex;
      flex-direction: column;
      justify-content: space-around;
      align-items: center;

.playerInfo {
      width: 200px;

.playerInfoName {
      font-family: UberEatsFat;

    .playerInfoPercentage {
      font-size: 25px;
      font-family: UberEatsRegular;

I tried to set the childrens flex-basis to 0px and flex-shrink to 0, so that the width stays the same.
When I am looking in devTools the scrollwidth of the containers that exceed the clientWidth is actually greater so I am only getting the wrong readings when executing my code.