I have a problem recording an effect with gsap,
I create an animation template in a js file: “gsapEffect.js”, import it into my app.jsx and effect remains inaccessible, could you better explain to me how it works?
my gsapEffect.js file :
import gsap from "gsap";
name: "backgroundOpening",
effect: (direction,targets, ...config) => {
const animationType = config.direction === "from" ? gsap.from : gsap.to;
return animationType(targets, {
top: config.top,
duration: config.duration,
ease: config.ease,
defaults: { duration: 0.4, top:"-100%", ease: 'power2.inOut', direction: "to" },
extendTimeline: true
I import it in my app.jsx :
import "./customFunctions/gsapEffect.js"
and use it in my componenent juste like that :
import { h } from 'preact';
import { MenuDialogContent } from "./MenuDialogContent.jsx";
import useStore from "../store/store.js";
import { useEffect } from "preact/hooks";
import { gsap } from "gsap";
export function Menu() {
const { activeMenu, setActiveMenu } = useStore();
const setMenuBackgroundAnimation = (tl, yBackgroundAnimationValue) => {
return tl.to(".menu", {
top: yBackgroundAnimationValue,
duration: 0.4,
ease: 'power2.inOut',
const setMenuTextAnimation = (tl, yTextAnimationValue, isEntering) => {
return tl.to('.menu-anim li', {
top: yTextAnimationValue,
opacity: isEntering ? 1 : 0,
stagger: 0.08,
ease: isEntering ? 'power4.in' : 'power4.out',
duration: 0.1
useEffect(() => {
const tl = gsap.timeline();
if (activeMenu) {
tl.backgroundOpening('.menu', {
duration: 0.4,
ease: 'power2.inOut',
top: 0
setMenuTextAnimation(tl, 0, true);
} else {
setMenuTextAnimation(tl, '-5vh', false);
setMenuBackgroundAnimation(tl, '-100vh');
}, [activeMenu]);
return (
<span className={`font-bold`} onClick={() => setActiveMenu(!activeMenu)}>
<button className={activeMenu ? "dots on" : "dots"}>
<MenuDialogContent argSetter={setActiveMenu} trigger={activeMenu} />