invalid_request: The provided value for the input parameter ‘redirect_uri’ is not valid

I am developing an app to read the calendar and render it with fullcalendar, the error comes when logging in and the redirect uri gives an error

I am working on localhost and this is my url that I am working on:


and I have that url as a redirect in the azure portal and the following error screen appears after entering the email and clicking continue.


I have also tried with the url ending in .php (In the test I did before adding the functionality to the entire application the redirect ended in ‘.html’ since that was the file extension), entering the folder path to the file, redirecting to another file and the error still appears

This is the code where i put the redirect Uri:

const msalConfig = {
    auth: {
        clientId: "...",
        authority: "...",                    
        redirectUri: "http://localhost/newdocu/calendarOutlook",
        popUp: true

Thank you very much!!