how to find an entry in an array based on two conditions [duplicate]

Say I have the following:

const allowedDomains=[
    {"domain":"","apiKey":"2","from":"Mickey Mouse"},
    {"domain":"","apiKey":"3","from":"Donald Duck"},

I have two values in my code that are:

let domain = '';
let apiKey = '1';

I want to check if there is an entry in the array that satisfies both conditions. So the above should return true.

If the values are:

let domain = '';
let apiKey = '2';

it should return false.

I thought to use find but don’t know how to use it with two conditions. What is the quickest way to do it?
With one condition it could be:

let from = allowedDomains.find(a => a.domain === domain)?.from;

What for two conditions?