add “use client” into index.ts that exports all of component stuffs

I am using nextjs 14 and I create all components in src/components directory and each component has index.ts file that will exports all of my components stuffs such as subcomponents, types, context and etc.
when I use it inside client component from index.ts it is work perfectly but the problem is when I use that components and subcomponents in a server component it goes to throw error that you can not use client stuffs in server component

I know the problem came from index.ts file because this file exports all of my components, subcomponents, util functions and etc. and when import one of my server component from index.ts inside another server components it will import client stuffs too. so by adding "use client" inside index.ts the problem will be fixed but I just want to know by adding "use client" in index.ts will be all component stuffs considered as client or not?