Trouble getting a value from a website using Google Apps Script and Regex

I’m trying to get the value of the current week from the ESPN NFL schedule ( Week 1 is in the center of the wrapper in the top half of the page. I’m using GAS since I’ve connected this to google sheets/google forms. I’ve been able to get the values in the tables (the schedule), but I can’t get this value from outside the tables.

I’ve found a regex expression that should find the value that I want. I tested it using regex101 here:

var url = '';
var html2 = UrlFetchApp.fetch(url).getContentText();
var regex = /class=["']bcustom--week is-activeb.*?range["]>(.*?)<//gm;
var weekNum = html2.match(regex);

However, my code is outputting “null” in the console