How to Create a Bubble Chart Design Using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript or ReactJS?

I’m trying to create a bubble chart similar to a design I found on Figma, where multiple bubbles containing text are arranged around a central bubble. The design includes glowing effects and hovering animations. You can view the original reference design here: Figma Link.

Here’s what I want to achieve:

A central bubble with text, surrounded by random sized bubbles.
Each bubble should have a glowing effect and a hover animation.bubblechart-design

I Attempted to adjust sizes manually, but this approach is not scalable or dynamic.

What I need help with:

How to dynamically vary the size of each bubble based on the design, possibly using CSS, JavaScript, or ReactJS.
Any existing libraries or approaches in ReactJS that might simplify this design.

Thanks in advance! Any advice or code examples would be very helpful.