Change TableContainer default theming chakra ui

I’m using chakra ui’s TableContainer with the following style:

<TableContainer p="8" m="8" bg="white" border="6px solid" borderRadius="xl" borderColor="white" boxShadow='base'>

I want to add a default theme to it, I have tried the following:

I have this file tableContainer.js:

const TableContainer = {
    baseStyle: {
      p: "8",
      m: "8",
      bg: "white",
      border: "6px solid",
      borderRadius: "2xl",
      borderColor: "white",
      boxShadow: "base",
export default TableContainer

In my index.js I have this to set the default usage:

import { extendTheme } from "@chakra-ui/react"
import TableContainer from ".tableContainer"

const overrides = {
    components: {

export default extendTheme(overrides)

My app.js has the following line it it as well:

<ChakraProvider theme={theme}>

Then just calling <TableContainer><TableContainer/>

But my styling is not applying.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated?