deleting realm instructions unclear

I was not able to make ‘uuid’ work in my _id, so I changed it to objectId and got:

[Error: The following changes cannot be made in additive-only schema mode:

Property ‘Produit._id’ has been changed from ‘uuid’ to ‘object id’. If your app is running in development mode, you can delete the realm and restart the app to update your schema.]

I tried the troubleshooting, I tried

  const realm = useRealm();
  realm.write(() => {
    // Delete all objects from the realm.

I went as far as;

const app = new Realm.App({ id: '<app id here>' });

const realm = await{ schema: [Produit]});

Realm.App.Sync.initiateClientReset(app, realm.path);

realm.write(() => {

const syncConfigWithClientResetFallback = {
  flexible: true,
  clientReset: {
    mode: 'recoverOrDiscardUnsyncedChanges', // or "recoverUnsyncedChanges"
    // can also include `onBefore` and `onAfter` callbacks
    onFallback: (_session, path) => {
      try {
        const didUserConfirmReset = showUserAConfirmationDialog();
        if (didUserConfirmReset) {
          // Close and delete old realm from device
          // Perform client reset
          Realm.App.Sync.initiateClientReset(app, path);
      } catch (err) {

export default function App() {
  return (
    <AppProvider id={'application-pam2-ceyvopp'}>
    <UserProvider fallback={LogIn}>
          flexible: true,
          initialSubscriptions: {
            update(subs, realm) {

after that it just starts saying; [Error: Exception in HostFunction: Compiling JS failed: 26:21:';' expected Buffer size 8428 starts with: 5f5f642866756e6374696f6e2028676c]

and refuses to load. I am at my wit's end.

Alternatively, if any of you know how to make uuid work, I'd welcome that too, because that page is useless.

Thank you in advance!