Custom props not being passed through a react component with extended styles

I have this Button.jsx file which exports a <Button /> component, that wraps a <StyledButton /> component, I need this wrap due to the optional args like loading and spinner, I mean, I don’t want to type { loading ? spinner : null } everytime I need a loading spinner icon or another some props.

The <StyledButton /> component checks for a $hasIcon prop to fix the width based on an existing icon in the button.

// Button.jsx

import styled from 'styled-components';

const StyledButton = styled.button`
    width: ${ ({ $hasIcon }) => $hasIcon ? 'fit-content' : '100%' };
    background-color: red;

export const Button = ({ loading, spinner, children, ...props }) => (
    <StyledButton { ...props }>
        { children }
        { loading ? spinner : null }

Then, I use the <Button /> component from Button.jsx in my whole project without problems, but things start to getting weird when I extend its styles to overwrite some of them.

// SomeComponent.jsx

import styled from 'styled-components';
import Button from '@components/Button';
import { SomeIcon } from '@icons';

const ExtendedStyleButton = styled(Button)`
    background-color: green;

export const SomeComponent = () => (
    <ExtendedStyleButton $hasIcon>
        <SomeIcon />

Expected Behavior

$hasIcon prop specified in <ExtendedStyleButton /> should reach <StyledButton /> through the extended style of <Button /> in order to fix the width.

Desired path:

<ExtendedStyleButton /> 

          |  $hasIcon

      <Button />

          |  $hasIcon

   <StyledButton /> // fixed width to fit-content due to $hasIcon prop correctly passed

Actual Behavior

Due to the fact that I’ve been debugging everything with console.log, I believe the $hasIcon prop goes up to <ExtendedStyleButton /> and nothing else, which causes the width not being fixed for an icon and taking a 100% value.

Current path:

<ExtendedStyleButton /> 


      <Button />


   <StyledButton /> // fixed width to 100% because $hasIcon prop has not been received