How can I flip video with Web Task API [Javascript]?

i want to get mirror result of pose landmark,
before i work at python. this function give me mirror result.

mirror_image = = cv2.flip(raw, 1)

but,I couldn’t flip video in web development.

poseLandmarker.detectForVideo(video, startTimeMs, (result) => {drawlandmark code}

I found 3 ways to flip a video, but they didn’t work for my case.
CSS, “scale(-1)”, canvasctx
It only flipped the viewing screen and did not apply to the original result.

I probably need to reverse the stream itself received from getUserMedia(), I need advice.

detechForVideo Image

getUserMedia Image

i tried 3 ways to flip video.
CSS, flip, canvasctx. but it doesn’t work.

Since the video input is a pure stream, it seems that no changes are applied and the results are extracted as is.

detechForVideo video stream input what i want to change