Vue breaks upon Object modification

If I do this:


Vue will break.

How to avoid it?

More details (only if you want more context/details, first section is enough to reproduce the problem):

I wrote an Object plugin which injects many methods I wrote into every object by adding them into Object‘s prototype.
This works fine with plain JavaScript applications, but if I use Vue, it breaks it.
I use those handy methods in my code.
For example, if I want to make my class final, I do:

export default class FinalClass {}

which is a handy shortcut for what I would usually have to type:

export default class FinalClass {}

and is made possible by injection of the makeFinal method into Object:

Object.prototype.makeFinal=function() { Object.freeze(this); }

I do have my own utility class:

export default class OBJECT { static makeFinal() { Object.freeze(this); } }

which I can use like this:

export default class FinalClass extends OBJECT {}

but the downside is that all classes in which I want to use this have to extend from OBJECT, plus this does not work for objects which are not created by me. I want to be able to call my method on any object, so I want {}.makeFinal(); to be a valid syntax. Or "text".makeFinal(); and so on. So, I want all built in objects to have my extension methods injected.
Plus it is not just one extension function I wrote for Object. I have tens of them.

This works with plain JavaScript application. But now I want my extensions to be used with Web application which uses Vue. However, this does not work.

I have injected methods into many other JavaScript built in objects, such as Date and Vue worked without problems.

Do you know how to fix Vue? How to allow Vue to work, while allowing, for example, true.and(true); or 5.isGreaterThen(6); or {}.equals({}) to be a valid syntax in my code?