How can I use a like counter for each blogpost

I have a blog in blogger and would like to add a like counter to each post. I know that each post ID is stored in but don’t know how to retrieve that in the onclick function.

I tried to get the post id but always have to put it manually on the onlick=’likePost()’ function to get something stored in the database. How can I get the value stored in dynamic?

// store the main Firebase URL
var firebaseURL = 'My-Project-URL/pages/id/';

// update the likeCounts shown in a <span> beside each blogpost
var postDivs = document.querySelectorAll('.post');

for (var i = 0; i < postDivs.length; i++) {

    var postID = postDivs[i].id;

    var numLikes = getLikeCount(postID);


// this function grabs the likeCount for a particular post from the Firebase
function getLikeCount(postID) {
    console.log('running getLikeCount for post ID:', postID);
    var thisPostRef = new Firebase(firebaseURL + postID + '/like-count/');
    thisPostRef.once('value', function(snapshot) {
        console.log( postID + ' value:', snapshot.val() );
        if ( snapshot.val() ) {
            console.log( postID + ' contains:', snapshot.val() );

            document.querySelector('#' + postID + ' .like-count').innerHTML = snapshot.val() + ' likes';
        } else {
            console.log( postID + '- no data in Firebase' );
            return 0;

function likePost(id) {

    console.log('running likePost() for post ID:', id);
    var postRef = new Firebase(firebaseURL + id);
    // get current number of likes here, so we can increment if any exist
    postRef.child('like-count').once('value', function(snapshot){
        console.log( 'snapshot.val():', snapshot.val() );
        var currentLikes = snapshot.val() ? snapshot.val() : 0;
        console.log( 'currentLikes:', currentLikes );
            'postID': id,
            'like-count': currentLikes + 1
            }, function(error) {
              if (error) {
                console.log('Data could not be saved:' + error);
              } else {
                console.log('Data saved successfully');

Show the likes value:

<a expr:name=''/> <button onclick='likePost()'> <i class='fa fa-thumbs-up' style='font-size:36px'/></button> <span id='likes'/>