NextJS loading.tsx file only works for one route, not subsequent routes

I want all my page transitions to fall back to one loading.tsx very high in my directory tree. Here’s how my NextJS v14.2 project is set up:

├─ loading.tsx
├─ page.tsx
├─ child/
│  ├─ page.tsx
│  ├─ grandchild/
│  │  ├─ page.tsx
│  │  ├─ greatgrandchild/
│  │  │  ├─ page.tsx

What happens is the loading file can be only used one time, and it doesn’t show the loading indicator on future page navigations.

My current solution is to put lots of loading.tsx files all throughout my app, but I’m Type A and I don’t like all the clutter of doing this….

Can NextJS always fallback to a high-level loading.tsx file?