Importing vs Rendering of custom Web Components in Angular

We are building a native JS web component library (Foo Web Components, or FWC), and we are trying to use it in an Angular application (for now, without a wrapper).

  • We are packing it as an NPM package, and installing it as a dependency through npm i @foo/foo-web-components.
  • We are importing the necessary components in a brand new Angular 18 application in a module.
  • We are attempting to use two components (Input and Datepicker) in a simple app.component.

Our relevant files now look as follow:


import { Component, CUSTOM_ELEMENTS_SCHEMA, ElementRef, ViewChild } from '@angular/core';

import { FWCInput, FWCDatepicker } from '@foo/foo-web-components';

  selector: 'app-root',
  standalone: true,
  templateUrl: './app.component.html',
  styleUrl: './app.component.css',
export class AppComponent {
  public today: Date = new Date();
  @ViewChild("datepicker") datepicker: ElementRef<FWCDatepicker>;
  @ViewChild("input") input: ElementRef<FWCInput>;

  constructor() { }

  ngAfterViewInit(): void {


Datepicker: <fwc-datepicker #datepicker [date]="today" label="Datepicker"></fwc-datepicker>
Input: <fwc-input #input placeholder="placeholder" value="From Template" label="Input"></fwc-input>

With this configuration, the page looks like this:
No errors in the console or build process, but the components aren’t in the DOM or rendered.

However, if we add a single line in the constructor of the app.component.ts as so:

  constructor() {
    var foo = new FWCInput();

Suddenly the components appear:

I’m assuming it’s got to do with something related to when Angular actually loads an import… If it’s “not actually used” (as perceived by the framework) it won’t load it.
However, when we import just ONE of the members from the library (in this case, the FWCInput), the whole library gets pulled-in and everything works (including the FWCDatepicker which wasn’t referenced in a new variable).

Why is this, and how would we go about as library designers to allow users to just “use” our components without instantiating disposable variables?

EDIT: Removed the fwc.module.ts file since it wasn’t needed (came from previous tests…).