How to use hook `element.init` for re-init datepicker with wire:navigate

I create a dynamic adding element form textfield input with livewire 3. Inside this form I have a datepicker field and want to re-init every datepicker field when new element added on that form.

Everythings OK, but when I use wire:navigate to pages navigate, I found an issue. My hook element.init always error when I access this page from another page. When first navigate page visit it ok, but senconds visit error show

Uncaught TypeError: window.Livewire.find(...) is undefined

My view code

            function goBack(e) {

            Livewire.hook('element.init', ({ component, el }) => {
                if (document.querySelectorAll('[id^="date_"]').length) {

            function initializeDatepickers() {
                // Check if rows exist in the Livewire component
                const rows = @this.get('rows');
                if (!rows || !Array.isArray(rows)) {

                // Iterate through each row and initialize datepicker
                rows.forEach((row, index) => {
                    const datepickerId = `#date_${index}`;
                    const $datepickerElement = $(datepickerId);

                    // Ensure the datepicker element exists before initializing
                    if ($datepickerElement.length) {
                        // Destroy existing datepicker to avoid conflicts
                        if ($'datepicker')) {
                            todayHighlight: true,
                            orientation: "bottom left",
                            autoclose: true,
                            format: "dd-mm-yyyy"
                        }).on("changeDate", function (e) {
                            @this.set(`rows.${index}.date`, e.format());

                todayHighlight: true,
                orientation: "bottom left",
                autoclose: true,
                format: "dd-mm-yyyy"
            }).on("changeDate", function (e) {
                @this.set('tanggal_ajuan', e.format());

Now I decide to not use wire:navigate but how to fix this issue? But I still prefer to use wire:navigate. How to fix this issue?