Get dynamic form inputs as JSON [closed]

I have HTML form with many inputs, after submitting the form I should get these values as JSON format, the challenge here is that the form has dynamic fields that can be increased/decreased during form filling. I’m trying to handle these inputs but I couldn’t reach the desired result which is to put each of group of the dynamic fields inside an array.
I am posting this JSON using AJAX but if there is PHP approach to achieve this it’s ok.

This is the output that I get:
output example

This is the desired result:
desired example

This is the JS code that I use:

function convertFormToJSON() {

    var data = $('#editForm');
    const array = $(data).serializeArray();
    const json = {};
    const tempItems = {};

        $.each(array, function () {
            if ('items')){
                tempItems[] = this.value || "";
                json[] = this.value || "";

    json['items'] = tempItems;