Form Submit event listener disabled by Google Password Manager

I am unable to copy/paste code in to here because of the policies of the place I work, but here is the scenario. We are having an issue where a basic “submit” event listener is not working when Google Password Manager autofills in the username and password. If the user just clicks “Sign On” the submit event does not work. But if they click in to the username or password field and then click “sign on” the event works. My actual function name is not “runCode”, but for demo purposes..

signonForm.addEventListener('submit', runCode);

function runCode() {
if (obj == undefined) return false
return obj.function()

I can put a breakpoint inside the function and watch it run in every other scenario, but like I said above… if the login fields are prefilled and the user does not click in to either field the function does not run at all. Any thoughts on this one?