Trying to mock AdvancedMarkerElement from google.maps.MarkerLibrary

We have been banging our heads against the wall trying to test the AdvancedMarkerElement from the google maps api. We replaced google.maps.Markers with AdvancedMarkerElement. The tests we had originally were using @googlemaps/jest-mocks' and we mocked the listener and then called it directly using addListenerSpy.mock.calls[0][1]() and then assert that the proper calls were made. Below is the test which was working with Markers

/* global jest context */
import { render, waitFor } from '@testing-library/react'
import { initialize } from '@googlemaps/jest-mocks'
import '@googlemaps/react-wrapper'

import { useSessionContext } from 'hooks/SessionContext'

import Map from 'pages/Dashboard/CriticalAndMajorAlertsMapCard/Map'


jest.mock('@googlemaps/markerclusterer', () => ({
  MarkerClusterer: jest.fn().mockImplementation(() => {})

//  mocking useLayoutEffect to use useEffect useLayoutEffect is intended to be used within a browser like environment
//  and jest runs test in node .env by default which doesn't provide a browser DOM.

jest.mock('react', () => ({
  useLayoutEffect: jest.requireActual('react').useEffect

const dealer = Object.freeze({
  dealerId: 1,
  latitude: 40.15,
  longitude: -111.11

const devices = Object.freeze({
  deviceId: '12345ABCD',
  criticalAlertCount: 1,
  majorAlertCount: 1,
  sdaMajorAlertCount: 0

const customersWithLocation = Object.freeze(
    customerId: 1,
    dealerId: 2,
    latitude: 35.01,
    longitude: -113.45,
    devices: [devices]

describe('Map', () => {
  context('when map loads', () => {
    const addListenerSpy = jest.fn()
    const openInfoWindowSpy = jest.fn()
    const setContentinfoWindowSpy = jest.fn()

    beforeEach(() => {
        session: dealer

      initialize() = jest.fn().mockImplementation(() => {
        return {
          addListener: addListenerSpy
      }) = jest.fn().mockImplementation(() => {
        return {
          setContent: setContentinfoWindowSpy,
          open: openInfoWindowSpy

    describe('when user clicks on the customer marker', () => {
      it('opens info window for customer ', async () => {
        render(<Map customersWithLocation={customersWithLocation} />)


        await waitFor(() => {

When we switched to using AdvancedMarkerElement we had to import the library like so:

 const { AdvancedMarkerElement } = (await google.maps.importLibrary('marker')) as google.maps.MarkerLibrary

We could not figure out how to mock this using jest mocks so what we wound up doing is creating a file that contains this functionality and then are trying to mock the file we just implemented. The AdvancedMarkerElement importer file is:

export const importAdvancedMarkerElement = async () => {
  const { AdvancedMarkerElement } = (await google.maps.importLibrary('marker')) as google.maps.MarkerLibrary
  return AdvancedMarkerElement

We have tried mocking the above like so:

jest.mock('pages/Dashboard/CriticalAndMajorAlertsMapCard/AdvancedMarkerElement', () => {
  return {
    importAdvancedMarkerElement: jest.fn().mockImplementation(() => {
      return {
        addListener: jest.fn()

But are now getting the following error when running:

    TypeError: AdvancedMarkerElement is not a constructor

      54 |           }
      55 |
    > 56 |           const marker = new AdvancedMarkerElement({

Any help with testing this functionality would be greatly appreciated.