Google Street View API

I’m trying to make use of the googlemaps api, but i’m having a problem.

Initializing the streetviewmap like this will also publish the coordonates of the location into client side.
Making use of the panorama id instead of using the streetview is showing to the client the panorama id.

Both of these cases shows the user the coordonates/panorama id which is not a good approach for my project. Is there a way i can serve the streetview location choosen to the users but to not display anywhere the location of it ?

function initializeStreetView(latitude, longitude) {
    var minimapContainer = document.getElementById("minimap");

    // Initialize the Street View map
    panorama = new google.maps.StreetViewPanorama(
        streetViewContainer, {
        position: { lat: parseFloat(latitude - {{ $randomAdditionLatitude }}), lng: parseFloat(longitude - {{ $randomAdditionLongitude }}) },
        pov: { heading: 165, pitch: 0 },
        disableDefaultUI: true,  // Disable all default UI controls
        zoom: 1,
        clickToGo: false,
        panControl: false,
        disableDoubleClickZoom: true,
        keyboardShortcuts: false,
        linksControl: false,  // Disable links control
        addressControl: false, // Hide address control
        fullscreenControl: false, // Hide fullscreen control
        showRoadLabels: false, // Hide road labels
        motionTracking: false, // Disable motion tracking
        motionTrackingControl: false // Disable motion tracking control
document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function () {
    initializeStreetView('{{ $contest->latitude }}', '{{ $contest->longitude }}');

Thank you!

I’ve tried to crypt the coordonates on server, but the decrypt must happen on the client side therefore the coordonates still visible on client side.