How to Hide Product Variants Based on Dependencies Using jQuery?

I am using WooCommerce with the Hello Elementor theme on localhost, and I have several custom fields for product variants. I want to hide a variant when specific dependency conditions are not met. I’m using the following jQuery code to check dependencies and toggle visibility:

$('#product-variants .variant-card').each(function () {
    const $variant = $(this);
    const dependencies = ($'dependencies') || '').split(',').filter(Boolean);
    const allDependenciesMet = dependencies.every(dependencyIndex => {
        const dependentVariant = $('[data-variant-index="' + dependencyIndex + '"]');
        const quantity = parseInt(dependentVariant.find('input[type="range"]').val(), 10) || 0;
        return quantity > 0; // Check if quantity is more than 0

    if (!allDependenciesMet) {
        $variant.hide(); // Hide variant if dependencies are not met
    } else {
        $; // Show variant if all dependencies are met

The issue is that the variants hide correctly at first when the page loads, but then the display property quickly changes back to block almost immediately (less than a second), causing the variants to reappear.

I am not using any other plugins that might interfere with this logic only woocommerce is installed in my localhost.

  • Why is the display property reverting to block?
  • and how can I ensure that the variants remain hidden when their dependencies are not met?

Any insights or solutions would be greatly appreciated!