How to click the next link with Zyte browser automation?

The Zyte tutorial “Create your first spider” crawls this page which has a pager with a “normal” next link. But what if the next link contains only a href="#" and executes JavaScript instead, like many websites nowadays do? In that case, you have no URL for your next_page_links and cannot execute response.follow_all, right?

The chapter “Handle JavaScript” of the Zyte Tutorial suggests to use browser automation, and the example given there demonstrates how this works with the scrollBottom action for

Unfortunately, there is no example how to handle a click action on a next link to make the next results load with JavaScript. Basically, as a proof of concept, clicking the link would even work with a normal link like on

I tried this like that:

import scrapy

from scrapy import Request

class BooksToScrapeSpider(scrapy.Spider):
    name = "books_toscrape"
    start_urls = [

    def parse(self, response):
        # Extract book data
        for book in response.css("article.product_pod"):
            yield {
                "name": book.css("h3 a::attr(title)").get(),
                "price": book.css(".price_color::text").get(),

        # Find the "next" link
        next_page = response.css(" a::attr(href)").get()
        if next_page:
  "Found next page: {next_page}")
            yield Request(
                # response.urljoin(next_page),
                    "zyte_api_automap": {
                        "browserHtml": True,
                        "actions": [
                                "action": "click",
                                "selector": {"type": "css", "value": " a"},
                                "action": "waitForSelector",
                                "selector": {
                                    "type": "css",
                                    "value": "li.previous a",
  "No next page found")

To perform Zyte browser automation, I first need a request, right? So it doesn’t work without an URL. In my fictitious case, the URL is, actually. But I do not want to fire a request and then perform an action. What I want is to perform an action without request (like an ‘onclick’ event does), and this action does something like, for example, a request.

I’ve been racking my brains for days on how to do this – to no avail. Does anyone have any ideas for me?