UseState React hook: updating state is not consistent

I’m trying to build a shopping cart. Just about an hour ago I created another post with a similar problem I was running into, and that problem was solved and I was able to implement that properly.

In this shopping cart, I will display all the items in the cart on one side of the page and display the order details/pricing on the other side. Here is a visual of what I have:

Image of shopping cart, currently.

As seen in the picture, with each item, I should be able to update the quantity (using the dropdown) and remove the item if necessary (the X sign on each item). My last question was regarding an issue where when I updated the dropdown (quantity) on an item, the price value of that specific item would not update. It seems that I was not properly updating the state, and I have since gotten that issue fixed.

The issue I’m running into now is that when I update the quantity on one of the items, the order summary should also update. I am using the same item (cart) to calculate values in both.

It is important to note that I only run into this issue when I try to update the quantity of an item. When I remove an item, the order summary changes appropriately. It only doesn’t work when I try to change the quantity.

Here is the code for the component that includes the list and the order summer (titled OuterCart):

import React, { useState } from 'react';
import CartItem from './CartItem';
import CartOrder from './CartOrder';

const OuterCart = () => {
  const items = [
      name: 'Boardwalk view',
      quantity: 3,
      finish: 'Non-matted',
      size: '4x8',
      price: 19.99,
      id: 0,
      name: '2 Boardwalk view',
      quantity: 1,
      finish: 'Matted',
      size: '3x6',
      price: 20.99,
      id: 1,
    ... // there are more items
  const [cart, setCart] = useState(items);

  function removeItem(id) { // function run when I click the X
    const newCart = cart.filter((item) => !== id)

  function changeQuantity(event, id) { // function run when I update the dropdown on an item
    let newCart = [...cart];
    for (let i=0; i<cart.length; i++) {
      if (cart[i].id === id) {
        newCart[i] = {
          quantity: parseInt(,

  return (
    <div className='px-3 text-gray-800'>
      <h1 className='my-10 text-2xl font-bold'>Shopping Cart</h1>
      <div className='grid grid-cols-10'>
        <div className='col-span-5 flex flex-col mb-5 border-b text-gray-800'>
          {cart.length === 0 ? <p>You have no items in your cart. <a href="/shop" className='text-indigo-600'>Go shopping</a> to add some!</p> : ""}
          {, index, array) => {
            return(<CartItem value={value} removeItem={removeItem} changeQuantity={changeQuantity} />)
          })} // this works just fine for each item, no matter the action
        <div className='col-span-1'></div>
        <CartOrder cart={cart} /> // this is the order summary, only updates appropriately when I remove an item, not when I change the quantity

export default OuterCart;

If necessary, here’s the code for the Order Summary component:

import { React } from 'react';

const CartOrder = ({cart}) => {
  const subtotal = cart.reduce((sum, item) => sum + item.price, 0);

  const taxEstimate = parseFloat((subtotal * .06).toFixed(2));
  const taxEstimateString = parseFloat(subtotal * .06).toFixed(2);

  const orderTotalString = parseFloat(subtotal + taxEstimate).toFixed(2);
  const orderTotal = parseFloat((subtotal + taxEstimate).toFixed(2));

  return (
    <div className='col-span-4 text-gray-800'>
      <div className='rounded-xl bg-gray-100 px-7 py-10'>
        <h1 className='text-lg font-medium mb-4'>Order summary</h1>

        <div className='flex justify-between border-b py-4'>
          <p className='text-gray-500 text-sm'>Subtotal</p>
          <p className='font-medium text-sm'>${subtotal}</p>
        <div className='flex justify-between border-b py-4'>
          <p className='text-gray-500 text-sm'>Tax estimate</p>
          <p className='font-medium text-sm'>${taxEstimateString}</p>
        <div className='flex justify-between py-4'>
          <p className='font-semibold'>Order total</p>
          <p className='font-semibold'>${orderTotalString}</p>
        <a href='/' className='mt-5 inline-block w-full bg-indigo-600 hover:bg-indigo-700 transition text-gray-50 text-center px-3 py-3 font-medium tracking-wide rounded-lg'>Checkout</a>

export default CartOrder;

I hate to ask two related questions in such quick succession, but I’ve been stuck on this problem for a good hour now. Any help is appreciated.