Getting wav buffer from stdout

I am trying to get a downsampled audio so that I can use it for an hotword detection API. In the solution I am currently using, the audio is correctly converted and the API is able to recognize the content of the audio file. However, I am constantly forced to write temporary output files. I have tried several times to use “pipe:1” in ffmpeg to output the converted audio as a stream to stdout, but it has always given me errors.

function downsampleAudio(pcmBuffer) {
    return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
        const inputStream = new PassThrough();

        let filePath = path.join(__dirname, "output.wav")

        const ffmpeg = spawn("ffmpeg", [
            "-f", "s16le",   
            "-ar", "48000",  
            "-ac", "1",     
            "-i", "pipe:0",  
            "-ar", "16000",  
            "-ac", "1",      
            "-c:a", "pcm_s16le", 
        ffmpeg.stdin.on('error', (error) => {
            reject(new Error('Errore nello stream stdin di ffmpeg: ' + error.message));

        ffmpeg.on('close', (code) => {
            if (code !== 0) {
                reject(new Error(`Il processo ffmpeg รจ terminato con codice ${code}`));
            } else {
                console.log('Conversione completata con successo');
                const waveBuffer = fs.readFileSync(filePath);


Can anyone help me figure out how to correctly use ffmpeg to output the audio as a stream to stdout without errors? Thanks in advance!