how to remove an attribute of an element using mutationObserver and mutationrecord?

I’ve been using this code below to remove attributes added by a 3rd party library from my webapp on runtime.

document.addEventListener('DOMNodeInserted', () => {
  const elements = document.querySelectorAll('[aria-owns]');
  elements.forEach(element => {

However recently, we’ve been getting this error in the console:

[Deprecation] Listener added for a ‘DOMNodeInserted’ mutation event.
Support for this event type has been removed, and this event will no
longer be fired. See
for more information.

The summary is that DOMNodeInserted shouldn’t be used anymore for performance reasons, and more importantly bc it will stop working in the near future. It links to an article that mentions that using MutationObserver is the viable option.

However, MutationObserver doesn’t expose Elements, just nodes.

This is what I tried:

const observer= new MutationObserver(mutationList =>{
  mutationList.forEach(mutationRecord => {
    const elements= document.querySelectorAll('[aria-owns]');
    elements.forEach(element => 
observer.observe(document, {
  childList: true, 
  subtree: true, 
  attributeFilter: ['aria-owns']

but if I understand correctly how MutationObserver works, then it feels like an overkill to get all the elements in the document with document.querySelectorAll('[aria-owns]') then iterate over them one by one to remove the attribute, if mutationRecod already yields a collection of the nodes that have just mutated and contain the attribute I am looking for.

is there a way to access the element from the nodes yielded by the MutationObserver?
or what is the correct way to edit the attributes of the nodes with a MutationObserver?