Image in breaks my script and can’t fetch tr’s data

I’m making a dashboard on a website, where users will be able to interact with the database. The pages are made in PHP, so are the tables. And when a user clicks on a row, he can edit the data of the current row. This is handled by Javascript (code a bit further down) and it works as a charm.

BUT, since it may not be clear that people need to click on a row to edit it, I added a column with an SVG so people can click it. And when they click exactly on the svg, the data isn’t retrieved. It should be, since I get the data from clicking on the whole <tr>. Note that if the user clicks anywhere else on the <tr>, it still works.

Here’s the PHP code for the table :

<table class="table table-sm table-bordered table-striped table-hover">
   <thead class="configure-array">
      $tableHead = "<tr>";
      foreach (array_keys($seals[0]) as $keys) {
         $tableHead .= "<th>$keys</th>";
      $userPermissions['MODIFY_OPTION'] ? $tableHead .= '<th>Edit</th>' : '';
         $tableHead .= "</tr>";
            echo $tableHead;
      $tableBody = "";
      foreach ($seals as $seal) {
         if ($userPermissions['MODIFY_OPTION']) {
            $tableBody .= '<tr class="data-seals">';
         } else {
            $tableBody .= "<tr>";
         foreach ($seal as $key => $value) {
            $tableBody .= "<td>$value</td>";
         if ($userPermissions['MODIFY_OPTION']) {
            $tableBody .= "<td><img style='user-select: none' src='ressources/edit-svgrepo-com.svg' alt='edit' width='20' /></td>";
         $tableBody .= "</tr>";
      echo $tableBody;

And here’s the JS script :

document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", (e) => {
    const sealRows = document.querySelectorAll('.data-seals');
    const deleteSealBtn = document.querySelector('#delete-seal-btn');
    sealRows.forEach(element => {
        element.addEventListener('click', (e) => {
            let dataSeal = Array.from( => {
                return sealValues.innerHTML;
            // ID mise en input hidden pour le récupérer en $_POST
            document.querySelector('#update-seal-id').value = dataSeal[0];
            // Nom en placeholder
            document.querySelector('#update-seal-matiere').placeholder = dataSeal[1];
            // Remise en placeholder
            document.querySelector('#update-seal-type').placeholder = dataSeal[2];
            // Attribut formaction pour diriger l'utilisateur vers la suppresion
            deleteSealBtn.setAttribute('formaction', `deleteSeal.php?id=${dataSeal[0]}`)

Basically, when one clicks on a row, a popup appear and fill the inputs with the data of the clicked row. But when I click precisely on the image, the popup opens and the data is not there.

As you can see in the code, I tried to set the user-select: none in the image. I thought it could have been the cause of my problem, but it’s not.

I also tried to replace the image with some text, and it works fine. But I want to put the image.