How to not violate Open/Closed Principle when checking for type is needed

I am writing a back-end for a program that manages surveys in TypeScript but don’t know how to design my Survey and SurveyRepository class without violating the Open/Closed Principle (OCP)

My survey class looks like this

class Survey {
    private readonly metadata: SurveyMetadata
    private readonly options: SurveyOptions
    private title: string
    private description: string
    private readonly questions: Question[]

//getter setter
class Question {

    private readonly metadata: QuestionMetadata
    private required: boolean
    private question: string


Now I have a class for every question type

class TextQuestion extends Question {
    //just a super call

class ChoiceQuestion extends Question {

    private answerOptions: AnswerOptions
    private isMultiple: boolean

Now to store my data in the database I wrote a repository class

class SurveyRepository extends IRepositroy {

    public insert(survey: Survey): number


Now if I want to insert a survey into a database I also need to store the questions for that I need to know the type of the question and the only way I know to do this is like this:

for(const question of questions){
   switch(instanceof question){
    case TextQuestion:
        //code to store text question
    case ChoiceQuestion:
        //code to store choice question

But this violates the OCP.

Solutions I thought of:

Make a repository for every question type would be an option but that way the survey repository wouldn’t make any sense

I read about the visitor pattern would that work in this case?