How to Monkey Patch Js Class Constructor

I am fairly new to js and I have a problem that seems I can solve by modifying the constructor of a class. This does not work

// original class in lib
class BasePrinter {
  constructor() {
    console.log("BasePrinter constructor");

// patching
function patchBasePrinter() {
  const originalConstructor = BasePrinter.prototype.constructor;

  BasePrinter.prototype.constructor = function(...args) {
    console.log("Patched constructor logic before");

    originalConstructor.apply(this, args);

    console.log("Patched constructor logic after");

// Apply the patch

const printer = new BasePrinter();

The other posts ive seen on this are either inconclusive or end with a solution of patching a method instead.

The real use case is to apply new logic when any class property is changed. The system is already reactive. I just want to add new logic and all the techniques I can find have to do with patching the constructor class