Instantly set Embla Carousel slide index without animation

I’m building a gallery component in where clicking on an image opens a <dialog> containing an embla-carousel. The problem is that when I click on an image, the carousel always opens at index 1, regardless of which image was clicked. I tried to fix this by using emblaMainApi.scrollTo(selectedIdx.value) to get to the carousel’s position based on the clicked image index, but this causes an scrolling animation from slide 1 to the selected slide, which looks weird.

I want the selected image to appear instantly in the carousel without any scrolling animation.

I’m looking for a possible solution.

  <ItemModal ref="modalRef" :imgs="imgs" />
  <div v-for="(item, idx) in imgs" :key="item">
     :alt="`gallery image ${idx}`"

// *script*

// gallery.vue
const imgs = [

const modalRef = ref(null);

const showImg = (index) => {
  if (modalRef.value) {;

// modal.vue. Here I expose the 'show' method to the 'gallery' parent component so I can use it there
  show: (index: number) => {
    selectedIdx.value = index;
    isOpen.value = true;
    dialog.value?.showModal(); // showModal() is a native `dialog`'s method