In Next.js, I implemented a feature to fetch a list of files in a specific directory using a module like fs.
When I deployed it, the functionality itself worked fine, but when I took actions such as uploading or deleting new files to that directory and then re-entered the website, it didn’t reflect those changes at all. (For example, if I added a file called test.txt to the directory and then re-entered the website, it didn’t reflect the latest changes).
After rebuilding by running the npm run build command, I was able to see that the changes were reflected.
Below is the code for /lab/page.js.
const fetchFiles = async () => {
try {
console.log('Fetching files...');
const res = await fetch('/api/files/lab', {
credentials: 'include'
if (!res.ok) {
throw new Error(`Error: ${res.status} ${res.statusText}`);
const data = await res.json();
console.log('Files fetched successfully:', data.files);
} catch (error) {
console.error('Failed to fetch files:', error);
And below is the code for /api/files/lab/route.js. This is the API to get the list of files.
import { NextResponse } from 'next/server';
import fs from 'fs/promises';
import path from 'path';
export async function GET() {
const directoryPath = '*MY_DIRECTORY*';
try {
const files = await fs.readdir(directoryPath);
const fileDetails = await Promise.all( (file) => {
const filePath = path.join(directoryPath, file);
const stats = await fs.stat(filePath);
return {
name: file,
uploadDate: stats.mtime.toISOString(),
path: `/api/files/lab/download?file=${encodeURIComponent(file)}`,
return NextResponse.json({ files: fileDetails });
} catch (error) {
console.error('Error reading directory:', error);
return NextResponse.json({ error: 'Failed to read directory' }, { status: 500 });
I’ve identified the problem as being caused by changes not being reflected in static builds, but I haven’t found a solution yet.