Need to upsert vectors in pinecone DB in Next JS

So I need help pushing vectors into the db, currently something is wrong with the await function here, I am getting an error.

Here is my code for the pinecone.ts file that uploads to the db:

import {
} from "@pinecone-database/pinecone";
import { downloadFromS3 } from "./s3.server";
import { PDFLoader } from "@langchain/community/document_loaders/fs/pdf";
import {
} from "@pinecone-database/doc-splitter";
import { getEmbeddings } from "./embeddings";
import { Vector } from "@pinecone-database/pinecone/dist/pinecone-generated-ts-fetch";
import md5 from "md5";
import { convertToAscii } from "./utils";

let pinecone: Pinecone | null = null;
const api = process.env.PINECONE_API_KEY || "";

export const getPineconeClient = () => {
  if (!pinecone) {
    pinecone = new Pinecone({
      apiKey: api,
  return pinecone;

type PDFPage = {
  pageContent: string;
  metadata: {
    loc: { pageNumber: number };

export async function loadS3IntoPinecone(fileKey: string) {
  try {
    // 1. Obtain the PDF
    console.log("Downloading PDF from S3...");
    const file_name = await downloadFromS3(fileKey);

    if (!file_name) {
      throw new Error("File not found");

    // 2. Download and read PDF
    console.log("Reading PDF...");
    const loader = new PDFLoader(file_name as string);
    const pages = (await loader.load()) as PDFPage[];

    // 3. Split and segment the PDF
    console.log("Splitting PDF...");
    const documents = await Promise.all(;

    // 4. Vectorize and embed individual docs
    console.log("Embedding documents...");
    const vectors = await Promise.all(documents.flat().map(embedDocument));

    // 5. Upload to Pinecone
    const client = await getPineconeClient();
    const pineconeIndex = client.Index("teachtalk");

    console.log("inserting vectors into pinecone");
    const namespace = convertToAscii(fileKey);

    // Push vectors to Pinecone index
    await pineconeIndex.upsert({
      vectors: vectors as PineconeRecord<RecordMetadata>[],
      namespace: namespace,

    console.log("Upload complete");
  } catch (error) {
    console.error("Error in loadS3IntoPinecone", error);

async function embedDocument(doc: Document): Promise<Vector> {
  try {
    const embeddings = await getEmbeddings(doc.pageContent);
    const hash = md5(doc.pageContent);

    return {
      id: hash,
      values: embeddings,
      metadata: {
        text: doc.metadata.text,
        pageNumber: doc.metadata.pageNumber,
    } as PineconeRecord;
  } catch (error) {
    console.error("Error in embedding document", error);
    throw error;  // Ensure errors are propagated

// Converts to bytes then to a string
export const truncateStringByBytes = (str: string, bytes: number) => {
  const enc = new TextEncoder();
  return new TextDecoder("utf-8").decode(enc.encode(str).slice(0, bytes));

async function prepareDocument(page: PDFPage): Promise<Document[]> {
  let { pageContent, metadata } = page;

  // Replace empty line with space
  pageContent = pageContent.replace(/n/g, "");

  // Split the docs
  const splitter = new RecursiveCharacterTextSplitter();
  const docs = await splitter.splitDocuments([
    new Document({
      metadata: {
        pageNumber: metadata.loc.pageNumber,
        text: truncateStringByBytes(pageContent, 36000),

  return docs;

This is the error I’m getting right now:

Object literal may only specify known properties, and 'vectors' does not exist in type                       'PineconeRecord<RecordMetadata>[]'.

I tried basically everything from gpt to docs, I can’t find how to properly upsert the vectors into the db in batched, would grately appreciate the help