Google Drive API upload to specific folder

so im trying to create a project that contains nextjs(typescript), nextauth and google drive api.Its basic features would be upload, delete and manage folders. I got to the point that I am able to upload files to me google drive

this is the Api routes-
import NextAuth from "next-auth/next"
import GoogleProvider from "next-auth/providers/google" 

export const authOptions = ({
    providers: [
            clientId : process.env.GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID ?? "" ,
            clientSecret : process.env.GOOGLE_CLIENT_SECRET ?? "",
            authorization: { 
                scope: "openid email profile" 
    callbacks: {
      async jwt({token, user , account} : any){ 
        //console.log("Account Access Token : " , token.accessToken)
        if (account) {
          token.accessToken = account.access_token;
        return token
      async session({ session, token } : any) {
        const newSession = {
          accessToken: token.accessToken,
        //console.log("New Session Object:", newSession);
        return newSession;
const handler = NextAuth(authOptions)
export {handler as GET, handler as POST}

and as for the main component or main function that im using for now
const handleFileUpload = async (e : any) => {
    const file =[0]
    const metadata = {
    const body = new FormData()
    body.append('metadata', new Blob([JSON.stringify(metadata)],{
      type: "application/json"
      body.append("file" , file)
      console.log("Body Data : ", body) 
      try { 
        const response = await fetch(
          `` ,
            method : "POST",
            body : body,
            headers: {
              Authorization: `Bearer ${session.accessToken}`

        console.log("Response : " , response)

          const responseData = await response.json()
          const fileId =
          const fileUrl = `http"//${fileId}/view`  
      } catch (error){
        console.error('Error uploading file:', error);  

now what im having a issue with is the uploading to a specific folder
even after verifying my accessToken to make sure its working properly and using ‘parents={folderId} its still not following the upload location, tho it still upload but only on the default location(My Drive), i just cant understand it properly, I would appreciate if anyone can explain to me and help me understand here

the code is from