AutoNumeric.js trouble addeventlistener

I have put this code on my file :

if(autoNumericArray[$(this).attr('personne')] === undefined)
    autoNumericArray[$(this).attr('personne')] = new AutoNumeric(this, {digitGroupSeparator : '', decimalCharacter : '.', overrideMinMaxLimits: 'ceiling', decimalPlaces: 2, watchExternalChanges: true, invalidClass: 'red' , eventIsCancelable: false, failOnUnknownOption: true, onInvalidPaste: 'ignore', showWarnings: false, maximumValue : valMax, minimumValue : valMin, roundingMethod : 'N05', upDownStep: '0.05'});
    autoNumericArray[$(this).attr('personne')].node().addEventListener("change", function(data){
        if(autoNumericArray[$(this).attr('personne')].getNumber() < $(this).attr('min') || autoNumericArray[$(this).attr('personne')].getNumber() > $(this).attr('max'))
    autoNumericArray[$(this).attr('personne')].update({digitGroupSeparator : '', decimalCharacter : '.', overrideMinMaxLimits: 'ceiling', onInvalidPaste: 'ignore', showWarnings: false, maximumValue : valMax, minimumValue : valMin, roundingMethod : 'N05', upDownStep: '0.05'});

I tried to create dynamically some Autonumeric object in a loop and save it in a JS Array.
But I have a some trouble here.

  • the number are never formated with 2 digits after the separator when we change the value in the input field.
  • with the option failOnUnknownOption to true, I have an error that invalidClass isn’t defined even I have add it as an option
  • The addEventListener change is never called. I really don’t know why. And I don’t have any other way to check if the value is valid or not

I use the last version of

Is some one has any idea why I have those trouble ?

Thank you for your help